Mexico Snorkelling Sites
In the Yucatan Peninsular

Sac ac Tun

Yal-ku Lagoon

Tankah Cenote

1. Sac ac Tun Cenote
Snorkelling in a bat cave in the jungle. There are stalactites and stalagmites, tree roots growing through the roof of the cavern down into the water, and bats nesting above your head.

2. Akumal
Would only be a so-so to goodish dive, with a small coral reef and a decent selection of fish. But the near-certainty of seeing a turtle (we weren't disappointed!) and our first stingray sighting boost it up the rankings.

3. Yal-ku lagoon
Where a cenote meets the sea and the brackish water provides a home to mangroves and massive numbers of fish, including the largest Parrotfish we have seen and Queen Angelfish.

4. Tankah Cenote
An idyllically tranquil open cenote in the jungle. Wonderfully peaceful and with lots of vegetation growing in the water, including waterlilies.

5. Paradise Reef, Cozumel
The coral on the reef has been badly damaged, but it is still home to a hefty quantity of diverse fish.

6. Musa, Isla Mujeres
An artificial reef/art installation made from a large number of concrete statues. Interesting and rather wonderful, only spoiled by the overcrowding, as tourist catamarans disgorge their passengers en masse.

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